Loneliness and Black Paint

Will and Kate on Loneliness this Mental Health Week.

Mental health concerns exacerbated by loneliness (feeling not connected) affects us all, irrespective of class, at one time or another. Sometimes it can hang around like a personal cloud.  We need to reach out to each other with compassion with a bit of help. Sheds encourage it.

It is hard to explain to people what a Shed is!

Strap line to this years Mental Health Awareness Week is “I’ve been there”

We are back in the black

Today we carried on with the work of restoration on the exterior of the Portakabin – our to be Shed. Stripping off more of the flaking coating with paint scraper and wire brush. Then we decided to apply the first coat of matt black textured paint. It was transformational! As you can see below.

Gary in a before and after photo shoot.

The finished panel (one third of the front). Imagine now a decorative swirl across it (Shedder Paul?)

Gary has chosen this moment to release a video of the work done one Wednesday night in winter at the Cricket Club. There is a wonderful cameo appearance from Graham appearing as the wild man of Norton.

Today, Helen Deehan of The Forge had the first Norton Market event on the Green at the Friends Meeting House.

An amazing turnout. There was a long snaking queue all afternoon until it speeded up when all the cakes had been sold. Wonderful sunshine.

Joan bought Graham a Marmite bloomer from the Breaking Bread bakers.  She knows the way to Graham’s heart.

Join the queue to get in!

The A-board message.

Eric was there on the appropriate Norton Heritage Society table. He sold Graham a copy of the illustrated history of the Pubs of Norton.

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